“Seattle” Classic Rock/Grunge Station


My Wife, “Love”,  is from Seattle. This might answer the question you might be thinking…

We aren’t going to call this a “Playlist”. It’s a damn Station – at least that is my opinion when I provide you with 14 hours of Rock. And the good news is, it’s commercial free.

If you follow my website, you might recall I made a short playlist dedicated to my children in the recent past – namely “Swimming In A Mist”. And I can’t let the “Wife” get jealous, now, can I?…

Many of the playlists I’ve posted are on the mellow side. And “Love” commented it was time for something new, something fresh. And since I’m dedicating it to her, it had to have that Classic Rock/Grunge/Seattle hook.

The first phase was to interview the wife…Her top 10 bands became roughly 40 bands I think. And a fun fact that I did not ever know – “Love’s” number 1 band is Led Zeppelin! Holy F’ing Guitars Batman! WTF! Where did that come from? Married like 20 years and I never knew this. Is this even possible?

The second phase was to figure out who the hell on the list was actually from Seattle. And if I wasn’t shocked again! I knew some of them, but not all. Here is the educational component for you:

Jimi Hendrix (!), Pearl Jam, Nirvana/Kurt Cobain, Foo Fighters, Heart (!), Sound Garden, Alice In Chains, Chris Cornell (?), Mother Love Bone, Candlebox, Temple of the Dog, Rail (?).

Quite the list huh? Jimi and Heart were unknown to me. How many did you know?

Let me explain another fact: These Seattle peeps love their town. They love their culture. I reflect on this as I not only don’t like the town I grew up in, I don’t even like the whole damn state. I’m not saying I dislike it, but I can’t admit to liking it either. “Love” has a group of friends from Seattle. These girls grew up together. They are like a Seattle Seahawks Posse – and it’s a big deal. This “Posse” gathers, and I know for a fact – they are all adopting this playlist. I’m going to do the unheard of – list them: Alicia, Cathy, Laura, Lisa, and I’m going to throw Cheri in too as she’s with this Seattle Posse in spirit.

And the Final Fact before we finish writing: “Love” has never once visited my website. Yes, when the articles are posted to Facebook she “Likes” them. But can you believe – with all of the accolades and love I throw her way – she has never ever visited OCEAN BREEZE??? Does anyone think she will this time? And possibly READ this? Possibly subscribe? Let’s see…

As always, Spotify and Amazon playlists are embedded. Once you hit the list, you can login and play from your own account. Otherwise, it’s going to play for 30 seconds and go to the next song. Copy to your favorites if you like it. Shuffle Recommended. 

Note: I know the Amazon Link isn’t embedded. I am getting errors from the Amazon embed code so I cut the Spotify in twice. Once Amazon gives me a valid embed code I will update this. Here is a URL address for Amazon in the meantime:


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10 Responses

  1. Oh yes I have visited your site before! Just never left a comment. Thank you for the awesome play list! I know it was a lot of work! XOXOXO

  2. Oh hell ya! You got some good stuff on here for sure, I’ll add this to my Spotify playlist so I can kick out the jams while I’m mountain biking! I have some good Alice In Chains random trivia for ya when I see ya

  3. Love our fierce posse!! I will always love Seattle, my childhood friends and memories growing up there, thank you for including me in your warm circle of friends. Feeling blessed.

  4. She doesn’t need to visit your site because you thoughfully play her music for her all the time!
    This is an awesome and well-researched list. Thank you. I will enjoy listening to it. And thanks for the mention. I am a proud member of the posse. Go Hawks!
    I gotta whole Lotta love for you but I must ramble on!

    1. All true – but my site starves for visitors. But she swears she does visit, and **thinks** she might be a subscriber. I have to check that out! Glad you’re enjoying the playlist.

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