In Memory Of Dead Bob Playlist

First things first: BOB’S NOT DEAD

At least he better not be dead! That’s Bob on the left. He’s not smoking a joint and he does not have a red hand from mixing 5-Alive Punch with grain alcohol. I’d guess that’s a menthol cigarette and blood. I went to the University of Connecticut with Dead Bob. We were best of friends and spent a lot of time together. Very creative guy who knew music and DJ’d for the school station. He wrote a few good lyrics, something about smashing sinks. He didn’t like firemen back then, I hope he got over that. He was studying Communications, and communicate he did. This was real DJ’ing (Disc Jockeying) in that we had real discs – ie Albums and Records (33s and 45s). He was known as “Dead Bob” because “Dead Bob” worked “The Graveyard Shift”. I can barely remember the details but “Dead Bob” worked like on Friday or Saturday nights from Midnight till 4am – “The Graveyard Shift”…So – “Dead Bob And The Graveyard Shift” was the name of his show. You get the picture. I’d go with him on occasion. There literally was a ticker machine that pushed out thin “tape” with the news on it (How’s that for ancient history). He’d let me pick the news and he’d announce it over the mic. I’d find the most random, strange things I could for his special benefit. Dead Bob was also known as Vlad. Or Howard. But those are other stories and I digress.

So – It’s been a lot of years since I’ve seen or talked to Bob. I don’t know – 25 years? I’ve looked for him, but I can’t find him. I’d guess he’s still in Connecticut. I believe he’s still doing a part time gig DJ’ing somewhere –  probably no discs though. I recall he became a high school teacher – and I always thought he’d be good at that. I moved away from the East Coast and moved to California. I was very busy working at a startup. Busy with family. Lost track of time. Lost track of Bob. But Bob is still one of my best friends, it’s just neither of us is good at long distance. I’m on the grid Bob – where are you?

So I made a playlist In Memory Of Dead Bob. We spent altogether too much time listening to music, partying, playing chess, and did I mention listening to music? It’s amazing we both graduated…So to the best of my memory, I’ve put together a playlist here In Memory Of Dead Bob including the Albums we listened to frequently. In fact most of the bands on the playlist we saw together live in concert, if they were alive or still a band. I vividly remember being with Bob when we learned from the news that John Lennon had been killed. It was very sad. 

In particular I put Bob’s music on here. These were Bob’s albums. The idea here is simple – Bob is going to find this playlist when he’s searching around for new playlists. He likes these bands. It’s DEAD BOB BAIT. Bob is going to find it and read this Post. And Bob is going to reach out to me and we are going to figure it out and reconnect – I don’t know where – Instagram, Twitter, Facebook – I actually hope its right here on Ocean Breeze…that would be coooooool…..

I’m going to learn how to put either a day counter or a page hit counter in this page and announce the number when we find each other.

I recommend the playlist. Dead Bob would probably be offended, but just skip over the songs you don’t like. There’s something for everyone on there and vice versa.

If you want different – here’s different. Shuffle Mode Required. I didn’t mix it up.

In any event, ENJOY.

[DateCounter startDate="2020-5-20" endDate="now" format="Days"] Days Since Posted

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4 Responses

  1. Fuggin’ ay, I ain’t dead, yet….. Here I be, in Freakin’ Balls, CT, just friggin’ in the riggin’ and sloggin’ in me noggin’. I post here b/c the site sire threatened me if ‘n’ i didn’t and b/c the DB Playlist is so spot on that i can’t believe it, AND i wanted to “bury” the idea that i was dead and thwart the peeps who sent condolences . Where or where did the incriminating photo come from? and are there more? (say “no”) Outstanding entertainment from out of the blue. Sweet… Love the site.

  2. The masses have asked: Is that really Dead Bob? and I can confirm it took 9 days to find Dead Bob with the Dead Bob Bait! – “and with a little help from my friends”. And that be he, Bucko!

    Avast Ye me hearties, splice the mainbrace as Dead Bob and I will soon be singin’ a chantey while we down a clap o’ thunder. And best if better than 30 years again – as we will be feedin the fish on our way to Davy Jones Locker by then…And to me ole seadog Joe who wins the bounty, we be doin’t with you too!

  3. Ahhh – And to answer your questionses as to whats it got in its nasty little pocketses – there be more pictures to go with that!

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