Not The B Side

“Not The B Side” is probably not a good playlist name. This is a Classic Rock Playlist – And it truly started out as a bunch of great tunes that were NOT the classics from the key bands of the era. Of course we are talking Beatles, Zep, Who, Stones, Doors, and Jimi. and then the rest which there are A LOT OF. I wanted to select songs that were great but not overplayed over the course of the last 50 years (Wow – did I really just write that?). So the songs were supposed to be “The B Side”, or the not so famous, but at the same time too good to be “The B Side”. Ergo – “Not The B Side”…At this point I had to explain to my daughter the definition and derivation of the “B Side”…Ok – so it’s a bad play on words to begin with. And then things got worse.

I started out true to the theme. I avoided anything that was in the key bands top “whatever” list. I selected the more obscure, but tunes that talked to me. And the more I developed this playlist, the more psyched I became. I started to work myself into a listening frenzy. And then I had to start adding songs that just needed to be added. And they weren’t obscure. To make matters worse, I was cooking up a storm simultaneously. Which led to figuring out which wine the food needed. Add Wine – End of story. 

I’m going to have to go back at some point and fix this playlist. I don’t think the world needs another Classic Rock Playlist with the top songs of the era on it. Unless You, my readers, post comments and convince me I shouldn’t do that!

In any event, ENJOY.

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